新托福/雅斯 寫作25分必備的100個意群辭彙 New TOEFL/IELTS Express Terms in Essence By David Pai


新托福/雅斯 寫作25分必備的100個意群辭彙

New TOEFL/IELTS Express Terms in Essence

By David Pai

 1持某觀點 claim ( contend /reckon /share the belief that )
  2.支持某觀點 advocate (maintain/vote for/side with/ be in favor of )
  3.反對某觀點 contradict (criticize/be against /cast doubts on )
  4.合理的 justified ( sensible/ feasible /convincing/hold water/bear much analysis)
  5.好處 advantage (benefitmeritpositive side)
  6.弊端 disadvantage( defectdemeritnegative side)
  7.肯定 undoubtedly (indeed/undeniably/there is no denying that)
  8.不確定 be likely to ( potentially/ presumably)
  9.重要的 essential (significantvitalcrucialcriticalfundamentalindispensable)
  10.有益的 beneficial conducive/ instrumental
  11.有害的 detrimental harmful/virulent
  12.有爭議的 controversial (disputablecontentious)
  13.普遍的 widespread ( prevalentuniversal)
  14.顯著地 considerably (significantlyremarkablydramaticallytremendouslysubstantially)
  15.明顯的 evident (apparentmanifest)
  16.增強 enhance (strengthen/ intensify/fortify)
  17.減少 decline (descendcollapserelieve)
  18.大約 approximatelynearlyaroundestimatedroughly
  19.趨勢 trendtendencyinclination
  20.預見 predict expectproject
  21.帶來 bring about (result inlead to)
  22.引起 create spark ; yield;; give rise to
  23.建立 establish foundinstitute
  24.要求 call for requestdemand
  25.去除 eliminateremoveeradicate
  26.探討 explore (examineidentify)
  27.描繪 depict (portrayillustrate)
  28.後果 consequence( aftermath; outcome)
  29.足夠 adequate enough; sufficient
  30.解決 tackle ( resolveaddress)
  31.意識 awareness(consciousness) 
  32.控制 curb ( regulatecensor)
  33.解釋 account for be responsible for
  34.投資 finance (invest insubsidize)
  35.緩解 relieve ( easealleviate)
  36.壓力 stress ( pressurestrain)
  37.和諧 harmony ( concordance)
  38.繼承 inherit (hand down)
  39.培養 cultivate trainfoster
  40.促進 promote ( contribute toupgrade)
  41.適應 adapt to (adjust toacclimate to)
  42.提供 provide (renderafford)
  43.替代 replace (substitutetake the place of)
  44.保護 preserve (protect)
  45.證據 evidence (proof)
  46.贏得 gain (acquireattain)
  47.國外的 foreign( alienexotic)
  48.災難 disaster (misfortunecatastrophe)
  49.發展 advance (progress)
  50.傾向於 tend to ( be inclined to
be apt to)



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