托福獨立寫作 demo01 " it is more important to work quickly and risk making mistakes than to work slowly and make sure that everything is correct".

 托福獨立寫作 demo01  by David Pai email:ginway2012@gmail.com


TPO 23. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

In today's world it is more important to work quickly and risk making mistakes than to work slowly and make sure that everything is correct.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer


Y= Job Margin(Total Benefits over Work Pace)

C1:competitive job market

C2:the technology innovation and its lifespan 

C3:the job efficiency & the performance.

 I am inclined to think it better to work at fast pace risking mistakes than at slow pace for correct and safe sake in reviewing the parameters- competitive job market ,the technology innovation and life cycle ,and the job efficiency & the performance.

In modern commercial and fast-pacing world, quick response to the clients’ need become the competitive edge of all firms. As an employee, in the information age, just-in-time service become the pursue of many top-notched companies’ goal, and therefore working rapidly  become the key to earn and hold clients. If working slowly ,even though (it is ) safe and correct, the client may choose another company with quick and effective worker. Working slowly and finding the correct may lose the golden chance for the first time. All modification and corrections can be made after more frequent contacts with clients. This ‘process mistakes’ can be benevolently thought by the client as ‘a in-process adjustment’ rather than ‘fault’


Second, the market is more ever-changing than before and is often in ‘competitive’ mold, and all products and services have a shorter life cycle. The timing of entering the market make sense and is critical to the promise/prospect of the enterprise. In such a condition, the job become used to making changes to catch up with the change of the job rivals and rival company. Therefore, work pace becomes a key waiting no retard employees.


Last but not least, in light of job efficiency ,for many people, they may not get their first job well-done for the first time. There can be several times of trials and errors before achieving a zero-mistake rapid job performance, all of which lead to a required learning lessons. In such a real word, time can be money. Job efficiency conveys that work quickly and risk making mistakes become the necessity.






這是協助提升英文能力全方位的免費教學頻道-- 進階獨立寫作(demo10)(高級)Independent writing (Advanced ) by David Pai(白正為)