托福獨立寫作 demo 12 it is essential for young people to plan and organize


 托福獨立寫作 demo 12  

Is is essential for young people to  plan and organize?

 by David Pai



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Because modern life is very complex, it is essential for young people to have the ability to plan and organize.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


Y=the promise of a youth

X1=as above

X2=as above

c1=the task of a youths

c2=the basic survival

c3=the contribution of the youth

Y= (c1+c2+c3) x


Nowadays, in evaluating whether it is necessary to foster a youth with the competence of organizing and planning in light of the factors, the task of a youths , the basic survival, and the contribution of the youth, I believe they need to develop the advantage.


First, in light of the task of a youth, there must be some things he or she is responsible for, ranging from the part for the public-such as work for a company, the society, even your country to the other for the private-such as taking care and educate your children, cleaning your surrounding for hygiene, both of which need a youth to make time for them to be well-done. However, as we know, time is limited, and we cannot eat cake and have the at same time have it. Therefore to make the most of time makes a big sense. This then come up with a real important matter,how to arrange time and plan to avoid unnecessary waiting and having no idea.


Then in view of the basic survival, as we know, most youths need to keep a job, and he need to take care of both themselves and the company they work for. For basic survival, they need to get paid, or at least support themselves.

Without plans and organizing, the youth may not learn the tips of making progress, and learn the lessons. With plans and organization, he can what plans make what mistake and next time make correction or revision. Then next smart plan and time arrangement make the short way to success. Then they can survive and sustain.


Last ,for the contribution of the youth, as we know, the societys running lies in the effort of every walk of life. As a saying goes, to raise a baby requires all villagers, some of whom make baby clothes, others make baby food, and still others making milk powder. The youth needs plan and organize time for his career and make better performance in his or her trade, then the savvy become availed for someone s contribution








這是協助提升英文能力全方位的免費教學頻道-- 進階獨立寫作(demo10)(高級)Independent writing (Advanced ) by David Pai(白正為)