托福獨立寫作 demo 06 Technology has made children less creative than they were in the past

 托福獨立寫作 demo 06  by David Pai email: ginway2012@gmail.com


TPO 9. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Technology has made children less creative than they were in the past. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


Y= Children’s creativity

X1 = children nowadays

X2 = children in the past

C1 =technology change

C2 =creating process

C3 =development of schools



I counter that children under the aid of technology tend to be less creative than those in the past in reviewing the following factors—technology change ,creating process ,and development of schools

First, the technology leaps at a faster and faster pace between the children of modern time and those of the previous times. All kinds of teaching equipment (net-work platform) and apps are in use either for teacher’s teaching or for children’s learning tools. As we know, many school replenish multi-media teaching equipment. And the Internet and 3Cs is indispensable interface in learning process. As a result, a lot of homework or assignments are required or directed on the homepage. Children has to be more creative than before in making a term paper. They can clip quote of different articles and essence to demonstrate his own article for his term paper and team project. It’s hard to hand out homework or assignment without outsourcing. Compared to children in the past, their choice were restricted in budget of home and schools. They tends to be less open horizon than modern children. In response ,of course, modern children more easily show their creativity either to their peer and the teacher thanks to 3C’s popularity and downing price. That is why modern children are called e-generation, compared with those children before ,who were accompanied fewer equipment and more expensive unit prices.

Second, in reviewing the creating process, there are all kinds of apps in birth and the apps do change the way how the children create. For example, Through simple stroke on some keys, music can be created and played on the computer, even with different instruments for the children music composing leaner to select . A master piece of work can be done in several hours rather than several days in the past with the less use of computers and apps. Up to date, there are more and more creative jobs done on the computer than before as the creation innovation steps take revolutionary progress. Consequently , children nowadays are more productive and creative than before with cheap and convenient creation process

Last, with the school in development, learning and creating is getting easier and easier for a average student either in countryside or in the city. More and more budget are spared for improving teaching facility, and on the other hand the facility, because of the cost down, become more available than before. Besides, teachers are changing in quality with times. Of course with the aggregate change ,children had more chance to access the facility, and their chance of creativity is on the rapid progress and in efficiency.






這是協助提升英文能力全方位的免費教學頻道-- 進階獨立寫作(demo10)(高級)Independent writing (Advanced ) by David Pai(白正為)