托福獨立寫作 demo03 In twenty years there will be fewer cars in use than there are today

 托福獨立寫作 demo03  by David Pai   email: ginway2012@gmail.com

TPO 4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In twenty years there will be fewer cars in use than there are today. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


 Y= Number of cars

X1 = Today

X2 = 20 years later

C1 = Urbanization

C2 = Sharing economy

C3 = rising Environment friendly/ sense of eco-friendly

C4= the capacity of the public transportation system

In expression C sets are the ones of Noun or gerund





Remark: streamline  framework  (+ plus)


Degree: will/be/can/could/may/might(Top down)


Cue: rewriting/paraphrasing the statement  can be a plus


I am pro to the view that the number of cars, in decades ,shall be on the decline, in light of below parameter as  factors: the degree of urbanization ,the capacity of the public transportation system

and the sense of eco-friendly.


To begin with, with the trend in advance of science and technologies, according to some literatures, the birth rates are usually on the downturn. My country is no exception. As historical data prove so, the smaller population can mean the declining demand of cars. Another supporting evidence is that

The use of car means a person’s budget  affordable to a maintained car. “With too many descendants “could means their budget has to be distributed to another use.” With the lower number multiplier (low birthday) in mathematic equation:  the number of cars= the  total number of people affordable to cars X the percentage of them having a desire to purchase a car.


Second, with the thriving  sharing economy becoming the hit, such as car pool, the third-party-food delivery --, we can share a car with multiple passengers/joined purposes , thus reducing the needs of owning a private car. Take food delivery as an example, in the past before prevailing, many people drive their own car to buy meals. Nowadays, more and more people choose food delivery, sending their and others’ food with one driver.  As sharing economy grow in the future, cars can be share widely, the demand of cars for meals will  reduced  with  food couriers industry proliferating


Scoring Strategy: the mechanism can go a little deeper

 Discussion: whether to explain  the termology of’ food delivery’ or  explore more  deeper inside. Ex: food delivery curtail the large desire of  using a car for eating out and as a result, this either directly or indirectly affect the demand of  buying a car.


Grammar: objective is more appealing than subjective 


For“most people think” and” many people think”, which is more convincing?


Last, global warning and energy-shortage issues still is still influential in contemporary. In particular ,cars consume a lot of energy and emit a lot of pollutant. As far as we are concerned, many countries release stricter policies to reduce usage of cars. For example, there exist higher car tax, raised cost of oil use  and added pollution emissions fee. Thus, the higher cost of owning a car, the fewer cars in demand in the future.



 In a nutshell, declining birth rate, the incorporated use of car sharing (sharing economy in car use) , the rising cost of car use all lead to the trend of diminishing car number





這是協助提升英文能力全方位的免費教學頻道-- 進階獨立寫作(demo10)(高級)Independent writing (Advanced ) by David Pai(白正為)