托福獨立寫作 demo 11 whether to know about the world events?


托福獨立寫作 demo 11

 whether to know about the world events?

by David Pai


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is important to know about events happening around the world, even if it is unlikely that they will affect your daily life. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Y=the effect of being aware of world-happening event/the utility

X1=with sense of world events

X2=without sense of world events

c1=individual quality promotion

c2=social ability

c3=Commercial benefit

y= (C1+C2+C3) X


Nowadays, I tend to identify with the habits of having a heed on the world-round events happing or having happened in light of the following factors-individual quality promotion, social ability, and commercial benefit

First, in view of individual quality , I believe our world consist of countries not Taiwan itself only, at least there are much larger non-Taiwan part , reading the event news help individual have more understanding of the world, more than Taiwan itself .Besides ,Taiwan's knowledge, potential and ability have a lot of rely on the rest of the world. Individual, a member of my country, cannot lose the sense of world event too long, or you may not feel what the the world is currently the most connected and what it lacks. This can be a matter of individual opportunity or miss. Maybe one can miss some important events, but you cannot be likely close the window of world event, and pretend nothing happening. By reading the events, it turns me person with world horizon knowledge

Second, as we know, each individual live in a man-to-man society. Social life become indispensable. Each individual has to contact his or her counterpart during errands or missions. In this case, dual or multiple talk, may involve the wider horizon of world knowledge, if someone who has no sense of the world event, may feel isolated from or left behind of their counterparts , which may lead to a bad impression Whether is the counterpart world-knowledge mean or not? .I think this is why the newspaper exist in the society since it first birth. Take me and my friends, we used to be office workers, as examples. We are the heeds of the news in our daily life.

Last in light of commercial benefit, it may sound no direct relation with someone reading world events, but to the e best of my knowledge, this is a global village, and in market sense, there are both local and foreign markets. No matter what a position or status someone may be, he still has a common sense of the world knowledge. In order to get foreign market, the news of world help you understand the world better than not. Also, the updated information is necessary or become missing the important information. For example, once there is a bubble in macro environment, each individual should be sensible enough about the environment, and have good preparation in advance.





這是協助提升英文能力全方位的免費教學頻道-- 進階獨立寫作(demo10)(高級)Independent writing (Advanced ) by David Pai(白正為)