托福獨立寫作 demo 10 whether parents help homework or have fun together


托福獨立寫作 demo 10   whether parents help homework or have fun together

托福獨立寫作 demo 10 

whether parents help homework or have fun together

  by David Pai    email: ginway2012@gmail.com

TPO 43.

Some people believe that when busy parents do not have a lot of time to spend with their children, the best use of that time is to have fun playing games or sports. Others believe that it is best to use that time doing things together that are related to schoolwork. Which of the two approaches do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


Y=the omnibus benefits for children

X1 = having fun playing games or sports

X2 = doing things together that are related to schoolwork



C1 = the independence ability of homework doing

C2=the annoyance from school
C3 = the learning and influence from parents 

C4 = the time utility

Nowadays, many parents are occupied with jobs, especially for career woman and with multiple housework as to only a little time spares for their children. Considering the following parameters-the independent ability of homework doing, the learning from parents, and the time utility, in my opinion, I tend to agree with have fun with children in the meanwhile.

First in light of the independent ability of homework doing ,to the best of my knowledge, most school teachers and system already share the largest part in helping children’s homework, and thus there is no need of extra-time spared from parents to help children's homework, much less the discussion of whether parents has the ability of teaching children’s homework. As I know, some parents even have tutors or siblings give a hand. Therefore the spare time should be used to help build good relationship with parents by playing together-having games or sports together

In addition, in light of the annoyance from school, as we know, average student suffer from more or less of annoyance from school. There must be a need of source for cure power. Taking extracurricular activity can be a good choice. Parents-joined activity may do a huge difference as a cure power, or make-up cure. For example, every night after I go back home from cram school, my father would like to play chess with me. This kind of father-son time can always help me get rid of all my annoyance and troubles. It is clearly that having fun with parents matters a lot to children.

Then, in light of learning from parent, as indicated in literature from many psychologist, parents has huge impact on children character forming, since this import role ,there is no excuse for parents to waive this time to stay with their children. Having sports a or games together is the best process to fulfill the grand mission of parents

In a nutshell, engaging in some non-academic activities plays an important role in children’s life. Even though we cannot deny there are some benefits of parents’ assistancein helping do children's homework, in light of the above factors in evaluation, I believe the omnibus benefit for parents to use the time with children in games or sports better than in assistance for their homework





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