托福獨立寫作 demo 05 if travel with a tourguide

 托福獨立寫作 demo 05  by David Pai email: ginway2012@gmail.com

TPO 16.

 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

 X1=travel with a tour guide

X2=travel without a tour guide

Y=Travel benefit

C1=Travel efficiency ( lead-time cost )

C2=Travel quality

C3=Travel safety

Y= (C1+C2+C3)X

I tend to believe it better to go traveling with the tour guide with the following factors- time efficiency, travel quality ( the exclusive benefit of tour guide) , and security- in evaluating whether to go with or without a tour guide. Below is my discernment/analysis.

For the first, in light of time efficiency, as we know, many of us are occupied with intensive job load, and thus leave little extra time to spare and prepare for a grand trip .With the tour guide, a large part of paper work falls on the tour guide’s shoulder, and thus save a lot of time to the traveler. This way, the client can save unnecessary groping in planning and carrying out the travel schedule, and just follow the direction of our tour guide, and can, without this worry, more concentrate on travel it self

Second in reviewing the travel in itself, as far as many people are concerned, whether the travel can get the maximum fun is the major concern. This can lie much how the travel guide can serve. Even though some may claim shallow knowledge about travel sight in sightseeing can also make fun to some degree; however, for deeper level travel, which means only the tour guide can have some tips and good recommendations of ‘travel-know-how’. For example, the tour guide recommend how to make a bargain, how to greet with locals  ,and even the best resort part and how to tap it. All these lead to high travel quality with the travel guide’s aids.

Last but not least, in most people’s eye, security is the first prioritized and even little or any damage of body and mind can offset the benefit of the travel or reduce it by a large ratio/degree.  A trivial pity, like burglary,  a life-risky event, a fraud or a rip-off can end up a total bad impression of this trip ,to avoid these kind of risks ,we better need a senor and excellent tour guide






這是協助提升英文能力全方位的免費教學頻道-- 進階獨立寫作(demo10)(高級)Independent writing (Advanced ) by David Pai(白正為)